3. 다음 문제의 [] 안에 들어갈 숫자의 합을 적어주세요방탄소년단 2013-2016일까지 공개한 공개곡, 믜스테잎, 국내에저 Tradução - 3. 다음 문제의 [] 안에 들어갈 숫자의 합을 적어주세요방탄소년단 2013-2016일까지 공개한 공개곡, 믜스테잎, 국내에저 Inglês como dizer

3. 다음 문제의 [] 안에 들어갈 숫자의 합을 적어주세요방탄소

3. 다음 문제의 [] 안에 들어갈 숫자의 합을 적어주세요
방탄소년단 2013-2016일까지 공개한 공개곡, 믜스테잎, 국내에저
발매된 앨범의 수록곡 [음원으로만 공개된 곡 인정, 솔로곡 인전, 국내앨범만 인정, 다 른 인정, 공개곡 인정, --------- 인정, 중복곡 제외, 타 아티스트 앨범 피 쳐링 잠여 곡 제외, --제외, ----------인정, 커버곡, 믹스테잎, 공개군의 경우 블로그 기준] 의 곡 스는 총 [] 곡이고, 제이홉군과 랩몬스터군 수가군이 방탄소년단 국내 ㅐㄹ범 작곡에 공동으로 참여한 곡[히든트랙 인정,----인정, 따로따로 참여한곡 인전 ] 은 총 [] 곡이며, 제이홉군과 수가군이 공동으로 곡내앨범 작곡에 참여한 곡 [히든트랙 인전, --- 인전 따로따로 참여한곡 인전] 은 총[] 곡이고, [---------] 에사 코끼리 코 10회 후 줄넘기를 한 정국군, 지민군, 뷔군이 줄넘기의 개수를 더하면[] 개이며, 정국군이 2013-2016 년 [화양연화 --.1활동까지] 공식전인 활동기간 동안 음안방송에서 선글라스를 찬ㄴㄱ용한 회쑤는 는 [이다.>

4. 다음 중 방탄소년단 공식 팬카페 등업, 등업질문건의, 닉네임 공지를 가장 정확히 이 해한 멤버의 본명을 한글로 적어주시고, 화양연화--2.[----] 앨범에서 해당 멤버의 사진이 총 몇 번 나오는지 적어주세요 [단체샷 인정,, 단독샷에서 한장에 사진이 2페이지로 나눠진 경우 한장으로 인정]

전국: 내 닉네임은 ---뷔야. 내 닉네임을 사용 못하는 사유는 두가지. 특수문자 사용, 메버와 흔동될 수 있는 닉네임이기 때문에 사용 불가야.}

랩몬스터: 어제 등업 신청을 했는데 2개의 답이 헷갈려서 시간차이를 두고 글을 같은 게시판에 2개를 작성했어.티나지 않게 닉네임도 바꾸고 작성했으니 등업은 문제 없겠지?

수가: 왜 스트리밍 공지가 어딨냐는 내 질문글에만 답변을 안해주지? 등업질문건의 게 시판에 모두가 내 심정을 공감 할 수 있도록 비밀글을 설정하지 않고 등업 지기에게 욕 을 써야겠에!

뷔: 목금토 게시판에 비밀글이 안되어 있는 신청글이 너무 많아! 유출이 될 수 있으니 전부 등업 질문건의 게시판에비밀글이 아닌글을 캡쳐해서 신고해야겠어.

지민: 오늘은 등업 신청한지 8일짼데 등업은 언제 될까? 등업질문건의 게시판에 내 신 청일을 적어서 등업글 확인 요청을 해야겠어!

제이홉: 역시 등업 신청의 묘미는 비밀글이 설정되지 않은 글에 적힌 답을 몰래 베껴서 신청하는거지! 다른팬이 피해받던 나랑 무슨 상관이야! 나만 등업되면 그만인걸!

진: 이걸 문제라고 낸거야? 방탄소년단 팬카페의 등업 문제를 모르는 사람들의 공감을 얻을 수 있도록 타 사이트, 타 카페에 이미지 파일을 공유하고 문제도 바뀔 수 있도록 겸 사겸사 답도 공유해야겠어.

5. 다음 중 방탄소년단 앨범의 설명으로 옳은 것의 번호를 고른 후 해당 앨범의 6번째 수록곡 첫 줄을 앨범과 동일하게 적어주세요. [/가 있는 앨범의 경우 /까지만 적어주세요.]
1]'ㅂㄹㅇ ㅂㅈ ㄱㅇㅇ'는 세번째 미니앨범에 수록되어 있는 곡의 초성이다.
2] 방탄소년단 첫 미니 앨범에 정국군의 단독사진은 총 9번 나온다. [멤버가 세 명 이상갈이 있는 사진 인정, 포지가 다른 사진은 각각 세어주세요.]
3] 첫 정규앨범 ------- 작성 순서는 슈가-진-랩몬스터-뷔-정극-지민-제이홉 순서이다.
4] 방탄소년단 첫 정규앨범에서 뷔군의 단독사진은 총 19번 나온다. [멤버가 세 명 이 상 갇이 있는 사진 인정, 포즈가 다른 사진은 각각 세어주세요.]
5] 방탄소년단 네번째 미니 앨범에 진군은 아미라는 단어를 29번 적었다.[아미만 인정,--- 인정X]

6. ‘RUN’를 옴원 사이트에서 스트리밍 후, 등업 게시물 댓글에 스트리밍 인증삿을 양 식대로 첨부 (자세한 스트리밍 공지황인 부탁드립니다.)

7. ‘RUN’ M/V를 본 후, youtube IBIGHIT 또는 1theK에서 ‘좋아요’ 버튼믈 클릭힌 후 캡쳐해서 인증샷 (사세한 사항은 M/V 공지 확인 부탁드립니다.)
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
3. which of the following problems, please write the sum of the numbers fit inside the []Room only-2013-2016 released carbon years revealed that the tape, myi es, domesticThe album's track listing was released [source acknowledged publicly only songs, solo songs, admitted, publicly acknowledged domestic albums, other songs, — — — — — — — — — with the exception of duplicate songs, artists, albums, hit the ring, except the song sleep the blood--except, — — — — — — — — — —, cover songs, mixtapes, based on the public if the military blog] 's song is a total [] songs, and the number of Army military and Jay hop rap monster, the military would only commit domestic room carbon jointly participated in composing ㅐ songs [hidden track,----, part songs separately, exhibition] total [], the number of Army military songs, j-hop songs on my albums in collaboration with composer who took part in the song [hidden track exhibition ,---Exhibition participated separately songs exhibition] total [] songs [---------] to elephant nose after jumping 10 times, constant armed forces, Chi Minh district, adding the number of military jumping [] items, no 2013-2016 [in the mood for love--1 Act] do not broadcast the official before the activity period it shall come to pass that the sunglasses Chan Yin Yong is the one annual Xu [. >4. which of the following room, only official fan Cafe, etc.-up carbon, such as up the question suggests, one of the most notice exactly what your nickname Member's real name, LastName, write it down, in the mood for love--2. [----] From the album please write the total picture of its members comes a few times [group shots, a photo on a single sheet of solo shots if you acknowledge as a divided two-page]National: my nickname is---Vuitton. There are two reasons for not using my nickname. Using special characters, and can become a nickname because ninety Dong disabled.}The lab was supposed to apply for a two-up, such as the monster: yesterday the answer inside and leave the time difference in the two on the same Board or that I've had to write not even change your nickname written Tina; now that tough issues such as karma?: Why is my question where a streaming notice will only give an answer or not? The question everyone in the market to suggest such a business to be able to share my deep secrets, such as UPS or without setting would be an affront to write!Vuitton: xylophone sat on the Board is not a secret to writing this application or this is too much! A spill can be all the secret to writing a Bulletin Board suggests the question, such as industry, non-writing capture should be reported.JI-min: today 8, jjaen to apply for such a work, such as karma when? My God such a business question suggests you write down, such as on the Bulletin Board of Sino-Japanese writing, you should request to check up!Jay hops: also the excitement of the secret writing, such as the business application is not set to answer on the copying or sneak on request! What has this got to do with the other fan damage were with me! I only if such work great!Gene: this problem came up with? Room, such as a single fan Cafe up the carbon problem for those who don't know, so you can get the sympathy of the other sites, sharing the image file in the Café can be changed and four and four answers the problem also needs to be shared.5. which of the following is a description of the room, doing the right thing by a single album with carbon number after the sixth song on the album picked up the first line of the album and write the same. [Please write up an album//.]1] ' (f) (f) shall be k k k be there wouldn't be a ' third mini album is the songs in seconds.2], only the first mini album, the room devoted to the armed forces of the carbon sole photos, for a total of 9 times. [Member pictures with three more to go, give a different picture each count forge.]3] first Studio album — — — — — —-create order sugar-Jin-rap Monster-Vuitton-pole-Jimin Jeong-Jay hop order.4, the first Studio album from the great room carbon] Vuitton exclusive photos of the County a total of 19 times. [Members locked up in this three-phase photo, poses other photographs please each count.]5], only the fourth mini-album, marched into the room-carbon is Ami wrote down the word 29 times. [Ah, less than--X-recognized]6. ' R U N ' OM won after streaming from the site, such as karma, post comments attached to the certification as an expression of sheep moving streaming (for streaming notice Hwang in, thank you.)7. click on the ' RUN ' M/V after viewing, youtube IBIGHIT, or click on the "like" button on Mljet 1theK Hin and then capture the authentication shot (bust, we are M/V Bulletin Please check.)
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
3. Please write the sum of the numbers fit within [] on the following issues:
Bulletproof Boy Scouts 2013-2016 days publicly disclose songs, muiseu tape, low domestic to
launch an album of songs [sound only publicly recognized the song, solo exhibition domestic album only admit, acknowledge the other, the public recognized the song, --------- acknowledged, except duplicate song, album, artist other blood except chyeoring jamyeo songs, except, -------- - song of the accreditation, cover songs, mix tape, blog, for public reference group] seuneun total [] song, and Jay hopgun and rap music monster group can participate in a joint military ballistic Boy Scouts domestic ㅐ d-kick compositions [hidden track admit, acknowledge ----, one exhibition participation apart - a total of [], the song, Jay hopgun number of songs and groups are involved in co-wrote the album goknae [hidden track Exhibition, Exhibition --- otherwise participate in one exhibition - apart total and [] song, [---------] Asa elephant nose is adding a number of skipping a jump rope 10 times after one political group, military Jimin, bwigun [] dogs, and the political groups 2013- 2016 [Mood for Love - until one activity. the times are yonghan ㄴㄱ Xu chan sunglasses in the regular season euman broadcast during the period of activity [> 4. Please note the following Bulletproof Boy Scouts of the official fan cafe leveled up, leveled up question suggests, the most accurately known nickname Hangul is the real name of the member year, --2 Mood for Love [----] several photos of its members in total album Please note comes out once [group shots admit ,, If the picture is divided into two pages on one sheet in a single shots recognized by PIC] nationwide: my nickname --- bwiya. Do not use my nickname are two reasons. Special characters are used, should not be used because it is a nickname that may be mebeo and heundong} Rap Monster: I was the last leveled up application also had to create a 2 on the Billboard such a post with two unanswered hetgalryeoseo time difference tinaji not a nickname. creating change is leveled up haeteuni not have a problem with? can not: Why not answer my question haejuji article is only being streamed Where's notice? ! Leveled up questions'll suggest it to write the bath to get all leveled up without setting the Secret to be sympathetic to my feelings on commercial Baden: Too many posts that application in less than two Secret to mokgeumto Bulletin! It may be all I need to report the spill to capture an article, not a Secret leveled up questions suggested board. Jimin: Today I leveled up after eight days application is leveled up jjaende When do we? Write down the questions leveled up my new Sino-gun Forum gonna have leveled up the post confirmation request! Jay-hop: The best part of the application is also leveled up're copying application that secretly written answer to the Secret is not set up articles! Me and two other fans batdeon damage cares! If only leveled up ingeol Stop! Gin: I figured that this problem? Bulletproof Boy Scouts share of fan cafe image file to another site, another cafe to get the sympathy of people do not know the problem and I should also leveled up four gyeomsa answer to be president and also change the shared problems. 5. After following one picked the right numbers with a description of what the album Bulletproof Boy Scouts, please write in the same way as the sixth album of songs first line of the album. [/ A Please note, if the album up / in.] 1] 'ㅂㄹㅇ ㅂㅈ ㄱㅇㅇ' is the consonant of the songs contained on the third mini-album. 2 Bulletproof Boy Scouts exclusive photos of the political groups are a total of nine times in the first mini album It comes out. [The member acknowledged that a picture is going to more than three people, the other photos, please Forge each count] 3] the first album written order ------- Sugar-Jean-rap monster - Baden-positive - Jimin - Jay is the hop sequence. 4 exclusive photos from the bulletproof Boy Scouts bwigun first album comes out a total of 19 times. [Members of the three people were trapped in a picture recognition, poses a different picture each count, please.] 5] Bulletproof Boy Scouts marched fourth mini-album is Amira wrote the word 29 times. [Amiga only recognized, acknowledged --- X] 6. After streaming on the site omwon 'RUN', the accompanying amount of streaming Judges Certification leveled up to post comments sikdaero (more well-known streaming sulfur please.) 7. After viewing the 'RUN' M / V, youtube ' like' button on the IBIGHIT or 1theK Mladá Hin Click to capture shots after authentication (one sachet details please check the bulletin M / V.)

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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
3. the problem of changing in number to be written.bulletproof youth 2013 - 2016 to open the music, the band 믜 domestic...the album's music and the source of the public recognition of solo songs, songs before the album. the only human, human and human, human --------- public music, in addition to the music, style, art and music. the album will come in, - in addition to the music, ----------인정... and the mixed band, open the blog, the song], the [] is a song. the film's monster army troops and the number of the plates in the ㅐ stem youth music jointly participate in the recognition of the hidden track, ---- human, in addition to participate in the song i]. the song, changing the number of the hops and the song for the album. in the song ". the track was the song in ten of the people in the song a total of []], [---------]. elephant nose, a jump rope ten times. the people in the political, military, 뷔 rope, the number of dogs [], political forces and the 2013 - 2016 years marriage and -. 1] formula before the activity to activity during the song "in the cold, sun glasses the company is a ㄱ용 is pain."4. the official fan club, the youth should work, "and proposed the name was the most accurate, space is the name of a korean little me, and marriage and ----] [- 2. in the picture of the album with much time. please write the group shot. in the lens, a cylinder and a field picture is divided into two pages, a page that].the 뷔: my nickname is in ten. the use of the nickname is not reason two kinds. the use of special characters, and it can change the nickname, so should not be used.}yesterday, for the film the monster back. 2 the answer is confused, the time difference of the two and the like in the board 2 are written. the don't make a nickname change been made, such as industry problems.flow cytometry and: how can you ask me where the answer is no in it. the problems and suggestions for the people in my heart so that i can understand the words set before and behind the back in to it.the 뷔: gold soil. the word is not to be too much for the article. flow can be all business problems, and suggestions. the article is not correct, the set alarm.ja: i work for, 8 days, when you work. the problems and suggestions in the hall, a few back to this confirmation.the new application and business: is the secret of the writing of the article is written in the answer for me to copy it. other fans to get that has nothing to do with me. and if i don't work great.chen: this is out of question. the fan club, the youth should the question not to get people's sympathy. the site, on the image file sharing problem and can also change and the man will be shared.5. one of the plates is a description of the youth to be the album's second album, the pick of the sixth and the first to write the same as him. the time is to write the album, / /.]a number of stem number should belong to the "five five five" is the third mini album more songs in the city.youth is the first mini album] plates 2 on the single picture of a country out of 9. the three or more of the photos to the human, is a photo of you.]the first is the third album by -------] in order to become the true lab monster - 뷔 - drama - ja - the hop sequence.the first regular album bulletproof youth 4] in the individual pictures of a 뷔 19 times out. the members of the three people in the picture. the other, his photos were 3.]5] the fourth mini album bulletproof youth into the united states. it is one of the 29 times. the united states recognized that one in ten children, x]6. "the yuan" RUN streaming website, and published articles in the message flow cytometry protocol with additional moving sheep (with flow cytometry and yellow, please.)7. "RUN" m / v see, youtube IBIGHIT or 1theK "-" button, click the set up, 믈 evidence (the three items of m / v and please confirm).
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